
Written by Bob Watson and sung by the Keelers on their album “On the North Sea Ground” (Keel Music 1998). The Keelers are from the North East of England and headed up by Jim Magean who also performed with the late Johnny Collins. Mollymauk is another name for the Albatross and one superstition was that the soul of a drowned sailor would fly forever as an albatross off Cape Horn.


Now the southern ocean is a lonely place
The storms are many and the shelter's scarce
Down upon the southern ocean sailing
Down below Cape Horn
Over troubled waters and the restless skies
Y’ll see those mollymauks rise and dive
Down upon the southern ocean sailing
Down below Cape Horn

Won't you ride the wind and go, white seabird
Ride the wind and go, mollymauk
Down upon the southern ocean sailing
Down below Cape Horn

Now the mollymauk glides on them great white wings
And lord, what a lonesome song he sings
He's got no compass and he's got no gear
Yet nobody knows where the mollymauk steers

He's the ghost of a sailor so I've heard say
Who's body it sank, and his soul flew away
He's got no haven and he's got no home
Bound evermore to wheel and roam
When I gets too old and can sail no more
Set me adrift far away from shore
You can cast me loose you can set me free
I'll keep that big bird company